Hedonic Happiness

I had another revelation tonight. I was at a party, with fire and lights, music and food. Lots of interesting clothes. The typical self identity through art look that was once unique.

I felt completely empty inside…  but why? Then I remembered that I am an empath. It was the people. Despite all the laughter, smiling and fun I knew that the majority, if not everyone here was deeply scarred by something. They were all in pain, filling a bottomless pit of desire, gleefully distracted by the hedonic happiness of festivity.

It was a mixed age crowd, but a lot of youth was there. I thought to myself it isn’t there fault. Some of these young people will grow away from the desire to do drugs and alcohol, wear colorful and exagerant clothing, desire to stand out for the sake of being noticed. Some won’t…

I also thought, some of these kids might be the next CEO of a major coorporation 15 years down the road, but they’d never know it now. I thought, some of these kids are very talented. Better than they even knew.

I wondered about the adults too, the confident faces of 27 to 36 year olds, lost in a mystery of logical consideration while drinking and conversing as society deems normal. What did these people do for a living? Where were they when they were only 18? Here? Somewhere else? These were the questions I asked myself.

But I couldn’t shake the obvious influence of pain surrounding me. It was more powerful than I was tonight, a rarity as I have developed emmense and uncommonly seen emotional power over the years.

I knew I had to leave, In a crowd of no less than 120 people, I felt completely alone. The few friends who invited me out seemed to be okay enough on there own, so I made my escape.

I felt my force of love come back and revitalize my consciousness after only a few minutes on the road.

There’s a good reason I have sworn off alcohol and other things. I can’t risk opening the hatch to the bottomless pit of desire.

I have to focus on my purpose in life. I have to find ways to guide people away from misery, and unmerciful vicious habits.

My heart goes out to everyone in the hedonic cosmoscape. As much as I enjoyed it in the past, I’m in too deep now, there’s no turning back from the wealth of knowledge and intuition the truth has provided me. I haven’t asked for it in vain.

I will do something for this world with the gifts I’ve been given. I love you all.

Self-Love and Fear

Have you ever wondered about love? Of course you have! But do we understand love? If you’re trying to use logic to deduce love, you’re not even close.

As I’ve stated before and will again, logic does not make experience. Love is reserved for experience.

I heard some one ask “How does science explain why you love?” Here’s the reality. Scientists conduct experiments to gain experience. Evidence, logic, symbols and words are not enough. If you want science to explain love, fall in love!

Sounds simple right? Well it would be if we weren’t so distracted with the things we think are also important such as television, work, money, social status, and whatever else we are putting before our divine obligations.

You’ve heard this before, right? “You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself.” How true! How vague also. Sadly, most of us do not love ourselves and we DON’T KNOW HOW!

In this post I am going to talk about completing the firsr step to self love, conquering your fears. If you’re afraid, you’re not loving!

So how do we love our selves?
Let’s break it down!!!

For starters, I’m going to throw this out there. Take finding a boyfriend or girlfriend out of the picture. If you don’t love yourself, you’re not at all ready for a relationship.

If you want to love yourself, you need to know yourself first. To know yourself you need to embrace yourself. Embracing yourself involves a few tricky manuevers, like confronting and accepting your fears!

Take this for example: When you meet a man or woman that makes you feel attracted to them and want to spend time with them, you get to know them. Part of becoming intimately close to some one is knowing their likes, dislikes, fears, joys and so on. Let’s say you meet a girl who is afraid of the dark. When you learn she is afraid of the dark, do you run away from her or accept her? Maybe you even try to help her overcome that fear by talking to her or sitting in the dark with her. None the less you begin to see this fear is a part of her!

Well fears are a part of you too. The first thing people want to do when they are afraid is remove themselves from the situation that frightens them. This is the worst thing a person can do. Why? Because you are also removing your consciousness from your self. This starts to form the ego believe it or not! I have more to say about the ego in a later post.

If you’re not embracing your fear then you’re not embracing yourself which means you aren’t performing the act of loving yourself!

Healing is a result of love.

Don’t listen to a confident person with a broken heart when they tell you love is pain or fake, or anything negative at all. That person is not in pain because of love, they are in pain because they won’t/don’t know how to overcome pain. They are often taking the stance of expecting to be given happiness for doing nothing more than living. That’s not reality. Depression follows expectation. We need to be more humble and accepting if we are going to know ourselves and be happy with love.

When we see a problem we can solve it. If we don’t see the problem we don’t get to solve it! Fear is a problem! So let’s solve it!

Distracting yourself with food, sex and drugs and whatever else is not solving fear. Distractions are separating you from that dreaded moment that you know will make you anxious and feel like you are about to die! Well, odd as it sounds, dying is the whole point. The part of you that is in fear has to die for you to be happy, and you have to experience that. That’s why you’re freaking out. You don’t know what its like to live without your fear which makes the next moment with out fear uncertain!

What is the true problem here? A new life is uncertain. The way we live is all we know because all logic and beliefs aside, this life is your only experience. What would it be like if you weren’t afraid of spiders, the dark, rejection, swimming, riding a bike, jumping off the high diving board, roller coasters, and even relationships? You have no idea what it would be like cause as your imagination builds a paradise for you, you don’t have the experience of the paradise.

Love requires sacrifice. Do you want to be free of fear? I think you do. Then we need to embrace it, accept it, and let part of ourself die with an “I don’t care what happens next” attitude. Sounds tough right? Well I want you tough! Because whoever you are, I love you and want you to experience real freedom.

Sacrifice your way to freedom!

For this example, we are going to bring up the darkness.

Sit in the dark. Let your mind build up your paranoia, give you the sense of insecurity, frighten you into oblivion, run scary disturbing thoughts through your mind and create illusions. In this moment of chaotic fear, there is an opportunity.

What’s the opportunity? To let it all happen. That’s right, letting fear happen is an opportunity.willingly subject yourself to fear of darkness even if it kills you dead forever in that moment. Sounds crazy, well it is, few people do this, few people have the Faith they claim to have. Few people are genuinely happy and you know it. You know you’re not happy. This is what true Faith is used for. A person of true Faith, acts in Faith in the disturbing face of fear. Faith is an action, not a thought. I’ll make a post about Faith too.

Intelligent scientist minded people have a hard time grasping faith and love because they aren’t separating their logic from experience. The odd thing about our existence is that some of it can only be experienced and lived. It can never be fathomed with logic because thinking about something like love or faith and feeling love  or acting in faith are completely different! And so are the results!

Just like thinking about riding a bike is not the experience of riding a bike and won’t make you better at it.  In the same sense, thinking about your fears won’t help you get rid of them. You have to be full on afraid!

So muster up some willing nerves, shut out the light, put that spider on your arm and freak out until you feel okay again.

Some key things to be aware of during your embracing of fear that are completely okay.

  • You may sweat
  • You may feel your mind being torn apart, let it rip baby.
  • You may feel trembling in the body
  • You may have thoughts and confusion about your existence
  • Your heart rate may increase
  • You may panic, go nuts, you are in control if you’re using Faith correctly
  • You will feel relieved at the pinnacle of fear(you’re going through a rebirth)
  • You may wet yourself (nothing like being a baby again! Change your clothes when you are new. It’s okay)

You won’t know what it’s like to be over your fear until you are over it so don’t bother day dreaming about it! Go ahead, make it happen.

Now that we understand we have an obligation to embrace fear, let’s move on to loving ourself.

Once you have learned fear was apart of you and you have removed the trigger of your fear from the self, you will have a cleaner more loveable self to love!

There is so much to cover about love I’m going to make another post about it! So leave your comments and questions! Perhaps you can give me some good ideas to bring up for my next post on self-love. I love you brothers and sisters!